Pegasus Resources | Building Maintenance and Facility Management

How to Maintain a Healthy Company Culture and Healthy Employees

Written by The Pegasus Team | May 13, 2022 1:31:00 PM

With many employees returning to work for the first time in a few years, companies need to keep their employees healthy. In a hybrid workplace, many people will be coming and going regularly, and it is important to focus on employee health and wellness if you want to keep your company healthy. If you prioritize your employees’ well-being, your employees will be more productive. This will put your company in the best possible position to achieve its goals.

Take a look at a few post-pandemic employee best practices that can assist with hybrid workplace cleaning and keep your employees healthy.

The Best Practices for Keeping Your Employees Healthy

If you want to keep your employees healthy, you should keep several important tips in mind. They include:

Keep an Eye on Local and State Recommendations

First, you must ensure that you keep an eye on state and local recommendations. Infection transmission can vary from location to location, so keep in mind that the national infection rate may not be the same as your local infection rate. You should listen to state and local officials regarding possible viral transmission in the local area.

Encourage Sick Employees To Stay Home

Even though you probably want your employees back in the office, you must encourage sick employees to stay home. If they display any symptoms of a respiratory illness, encourage them to stay home and isolate themselves until they are asymptomatic. A few symptoms you should look for include:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Fever

While your employees might feel like they can “tough it out,” it is much better to encourage them to stay home. You do not want them to make other people sick, and you should give them the tools they need to keep up with their work while at home. Of course, if they feel unable to be productive, encourage them to rest and get better.

Have Hand Sanitizer Readily Available

You should also take steps to reduce transmission in the workplace. You should have hand sanitizer stations readily available. Try to have a system where you check the hand sanitizer pumps daily. If they are empty, try to refill them as quickly as possible. Encourage people to sanitize their hands when they walk in and out of a room. This can go a long way toward reducing viral transmission.

Space Out Employees

You should try to space out employees in your office. Encourage people who can do their jobs from home to do so. Then, with the employees who have to come to the office, try to place their desks at least six feet apart. This can significantly reduce the chances of infectious particles being transmitted throughout your workplace.

Focus on Employee Mental Health

Even though it is important to focus on viral transmission, you should also focus on your employees’ mental health. People have been through a lot during the coronavirus pandemic, and you need to consider employee mental health as a part of employee health and wellness. Check in with your employees from time to time, and provide them with resources if they feel down or depressed. Remind them that they are not alone.

Have a Firm, Proven Cleaning Process in Mind

You need a proven cleaning strategy that will help you sanitize your workplace daily. A few tips to keep in mind include:

  • Try disinfecting surfaces using cleaning products that meet EPA criteria and can kill coronavirus.
  • Encourage everyone to wear gloves and gowns when disinfecting various surfaces to protect their skin.
  • Make sure the room has adequate ventilation to prevent fumes from building up.
  • Focus on disinfecting high-touch surfaces regularly. This includes doorknobs, keyboards, and remote controls.

If you sanitize your surfaces thoroughly, you can reduce the risk of viral transmission.

Why Healthy Employees Are So Important

There are several reasons you need to focus on the health of your employees. They include:

  • If your employees are healthy, they are more likely to be productive because they will have more energy to do their jobs.
  • Healthy employees are also less likely to spread illnesses to their managers, customers, and other employees.
  • If you take steps to keep your employees healthy, they will know you care about them. They will likely stay with your company, reducing employee turnover.
  • Healthy employees are an important reflection of your brand identity. If you take steps to protect your employees, your brand identity will improve.
  • You can use the steps you take to protect the health and well-being of your employees as marketing tools. You will have an easier time attracting top talent to your company.

These are just a few of the many reasons you need to focus on the health of your employees. Even though you want your employees to show up and be productive, you need to take steps to protect their health and wellness.

Download Our Guide for Keeping Your Employees Healthy

To keep your employees healthy, you need to follow a proven cleaning strategy like SuperiorClean. You may have difficulty keeping up with the best practices in your field, but that is where we can help you. At Pegasus, we provide you with access to cutting-edge strategies that you can use to keep your workplace clean. As your employees return to work, you need to reduce the risk of viral transmission if you want your company to be productive. We can help you with that. Get your instant quote today!