Pegasus Resources | Building Maintenance and Facility Management

Disinfectant Fogging for Cleanrooms

Written by The Pegasus Team | Mar 4, 2021 1:00:00 PM

If you’re a cleanroom manager, or if you work in a critical environment (like a robotics lab, a research facility, or a pharmacy) then you may have already heard about disinfectant fogging. Fogging solutions are getting a lot of attention these days because they’re one of the best ways to maintain a pristine and sterile environment. In fact, fogging is an amazingly thorough way to sterilize and disinfect not just cleanrooms, but any high-risk environment.

Whether you work in a data center or in a laboratory, fogging can ensure that your workplace stays free of pollutants and contaminants.  That’s why more and more businesses are using fogging services to keep dust, microbes, and viruses at bay. If you’re not yet familiar with disinfectant fogging, you’re in the right place – we’ve put together a brief overview to teach you everything you need to know. Keep reading to learn more. 

What Is Disinfectant Fogging?

Fogging treatment takes a different approach from traditional cleaning and disinfecting routines. When you use old-fashioned cleaning methods, you’ll first remove physical dirt and then use liquid disinfectant to sterilize the high-touch areas in your workspace (like the light switches, the door knobs, and the desks). However, traditional cleaning and disinfecting simply won’t get rid of all of the germs, viruses, and microbes that live in your workspace. 

Fogging is a better choice for facility sterilization, because it can eliminate all of the contaminants in your cleanroom, even the ones that are buried in hard-to-reach spots -- between the floorboards, behind cabinets, or in the cracks between a row of desks.

How Does Disinfectant Fogging Work?

Disinfectant fogging starts with a solution made with hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful chemical disinfectant which can rapidly eliminate germs, bacteria, viruses, spores, and fungi, as the CDC has confirmed.

As the name suggests, fogging takes liquid H2O2 and turns it into a thick disinfectant fog. The decontamination services team will use a room sanitizing machine to disperse that hydrogen peroxide fogging treatment throughout your workspace, so that it settles into every single nook and cranny in the room, leaving no spot untouched. The result is a truly pristine environment, free of contaminants and pollutants.  

Is Disinfectant Fogging Safe?

As long as you are working with an experienced, professional team, disinfectant fogging is one of the safest ways possible to sterilize your cleanroom. A good decontamination services team will shut off your HVAC unit and make sure that the space is evacuated before they get to work. 

They will also be able to tell you when you can return to work in the fogged environment. Bear in mind that you won’t need to evacuate the whole building, just the room which is being fogged. Normally, the process is smooth and easy, and people can get back to work in as little as an hour. 

Final Thoughts

Fogging has become more and more popular with cleanroom managers, as well as with anyone involved in maintaining a critical workspace. That’s because fogging provides a level of reliability which is hard to match with conventional methods. In fact, some other venues, like schools, have begun exploring the potential of disinfectant fogging to keep their spaces sterile.

If you’d like to learn more about our fogging solutions and about how Pegasus can use disinfectant fogging to professionally clean and sterilize your space, give us a call today. Our friendly, helpful staff is standing by to answer your questions.